Bringing 30+ years of marketing experience into executable action - sharing, educating, and enlightening on today's marketing strategies, data, omni-channel, and emerging technologies in an ever-changing advertising environment.

How to Write the Ultimate CTA

A strong call to action can be your ticket to increased conversions, more sales, and large amounts of traffic. These powerful phrases work to convince readers to engage, making decisions that help them build a relationship with your brand. Here…

SMS Best Practices

Raise your hand if your mobile device goes everywhere with you. Texting, scrolling social media, and placing in-app orders are a large part of daily life. Because today’s consumers are rarely seen without their phones in hand, SMS marketing has…

The State of CRM

2022 is here, and we’re ready to tackle another year in the marketing space. Marketing is one of those industries that never stops moving. But, one thing that’s going to stick around is the emphasis on customer centric practices. That’s…